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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

AM I THE ONLY ONE WHOS ASS IS CHAPPED? an effort to relate to a broader audience, or find out what is chapping the ass of my readers, or friends of readers, or anyone out there interested...I’m having a contest, ok maybe contest isn’t the best word, because I don’t plan on having prizes, but recognition at least will be given. I want to know what is chapping your ass. So send me a post, about something in your life that chaps your ass...what pisses you off, I know I’m not the only one who gets pissed at least once a day. So let me hear about it...send me an email about what chaps your ass, and I will choose a winner; whether it be the most humorous, or relatable, or different from my be a guest blogger. I will publish your "chapped ass" story, and give you may even be able to get help with a problem you’re having... What chaps your ass?

Things are shitty all over...

 Let me preface this post by saying, I am guilty of the offenses found within.
So, what’s with people thinking that they have it the worst? Do people really feel that way, or do they just want attention, or is it just an unconscious way to make themselves feel better? "All guys suck" "All girls are bitches" "This job blows" "Why can’t I ever find...yadda make me happy" these are all commonly heard phrases throughout the day in my life. Why can’t these people make their own happiness? Or is it that they are projecting their daily dissatisfactions to make it known that something is wrong? Or is anything wrong? And there are new sayings that go hand in hand with these daily grumbles too "Fuck my life" ...really? Don’t get me wrong, as I said before, I get unhappy too, and feel lonely and all that shit. But come on, for most of us, things could always be worse. So what’s making everyone falsely despise their own existence? That chaps my ass…
At leaset we're not this guy

Thursday, March 11, 2010

"Better than thou arts"...You suck for being you

You ever have a conversation with someone about trivial, everyday say...what kind of beer you drink. Me personally, I don’t give a shit, if its beer, I’ll drink it. Granted there are some beers I like more than others, and some beers, amazingly, that I don’t like at all. But I will not, under any circumstance tell you that you should or shouldn’t like a certain beer. In fact when you tell me that the beer that I’m drinking is "fucking sick" and make a puking type noise in combination with this remark...I lose respect for you. Who gives a shit what kind of beer I’m drinking, and the people...the "better than thou arts" that typically make this argument are usually the people that drink the shitty swill beer that all tastes the same anyway. Like if someone that had a Newcastle in their hand and asked me with a disgusted look why the hell I would be drinking, say, a bud light, I might pause...I’ll still think that guy is a douche bag...but ill pause to consider the fact that he indeed is drinking a better beer. But the people more often than not that bring up this type shit are the people that are simply drinking the competition. A commonplace scenario would go something like

"OH, GAHH, SHIT...PUKE...what the fuck are you drinking?" While spitting and contorting their face in absolute disgust
response "Miller light"
"Oh my god, so fucking sick, soooo fucking siiick"
"Well...what are you drinking?"
Fuck you...just shut the fuck up and drink your everyday, run of the mill, shitty beer...and enjoy it...and let me enjoy mine (side note...I enjoy both Coors and Miller lite)
You know people like this? Am I wrong here? I can’t be the only one whose ass this type of situation chaps, can I?