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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Things are shitty all over...

 Let me preface this post by saying, I am guilty of the offenses found within.
So, what’s with people thinking that they have it the worst? Do people really feel that way, or do they just want attention, or is it just an unconscious way to make themselves feel better? "All guys suck" "All girls are bitches" "This job blows" "Why can’t I ever find...yadda make me happy" these are all commonly heard phrases throughout the day in my life. Why can’t these people make their own happiness? Or is it that they are projecting their daily dissatisfactions to make it known that something is wrong? Or is anything wrong? And there are new sayings that go hand in hand with these daily grumbles too "Fuck my life" ...really? Don’t get me wrong, as I said before, I get unhappy too, and feel lonely and all that shit. But come on, for most of us, things could always be worse. So what’s making everyone falsely despise their own existence? That chaps my ass…
At leaset we're not this guy

1 comment:

  1. Well said Bro, these "why me" people need to stop bitching and start doing. As my favorite quote in the world states "Nothing in this life worth having comes easy.” You make your own happiness in this world, and if you’re lucky you have a sweet ass family and friends who have so much happy they share. And I'm out.
    You should post something about people that regurgitate what they hear on the news and assume it’s legit. Do some leg work and research it people, come on. Healthcare is my catalyst for this, but it extends much further.
