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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

AM I THE ONLY ONE WHOS ASS IS CHAPPED? an effort to relate to a broader audience, or find out what is chapping the ass of my readers, or friends of readers, or anyone out there interested...I’m having a contest, ok maybe contest isn’t the best word, because I don’t plan on having prizes, but recognition at least will be given. I want to know what is chapping your ass. So send me a post, about something in your life that chaps your ass...what pisses you off, I know I’m not the only one who gets pissed at least once a day. So let me hear about it...send me an email about what chaps your ass, and I will choose a winner; whether it be the most humorous, or relatable, or different from my be a guest blogger. I will publish your "chapped ass" story, and give you may even be able to get help with a problem you’re having... What chaps your ass?

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